Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fitness for Kids and Parents Together

You know what the best form of fitness for kids is?  Exercising with you, their parents. In fact its also one of the best forms of exercise for you as well.

P1010594 The Best Form Of Fitness For Kids . . . Is Fitness With You, Their Parents

The best way to get fit and spend more time together as a family is to put the two together.

  • Its easier (dont you love multi-tasking?)
  • Everyone gets fit
  • You get an in-house personal training squad
  • Best of all, as your bodies get stronger, your family gets stronger too!

Weve spent 15 years together raising our two kids to be strong, healthy, and confident.

mountaintop imagesmall edited 2 The Best Form Of Fitness For Kids . . . Is Fitness With You, Their Parents

Fitness as a family is how weve done it.

But not only did we find it easier to fit fitness in to all of our lives by doing it together, we realized other rewards:

Family fitness has helped us work through stressful times, get closer together, coach our children on how to take on challenges and failures, enjoy silly moments and more.

It has literally been one of the most powerful glues for making this family strong.

And for each of us individually, its helped us go places in our hearts and minds. Helped us grow in ways only physical challenges can do.

P1010575 The Best Form Of Fitness For Kids . . . Is Fitness With You, Their Parents

It is an invaluable part of our family life.

So,if youre worried about the health of your family your childrens, your spouses and your own . . .

If youd like to spend more family time, finding ways to have fun together as well as take on challenges and gain confidence through family activities. . .

If youre dismayed by the rise of video games and electronics taking over your childrens lives . . .

Fit Family Together is for you

Sign up right here and join a growing number of families who are enjoying the benefits of family fitness.

Because, the best form of fitness for kids . . . is fitness that gives them more time with you. And helps you stay healthy too!

Nutrition & Fitness Center - KidsHealth - the Web's most ...
Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.

Berkeley Parents Network: Postpartum Tummy
Hi mom, I also had that problem after having three kids. Nothing seemed to help me get my shape back. I finally went to see Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
Keep fruit and veggies on hand for quick snacks and make a plan for daily family activity. Get Ideas. Turn off the television. Get children moving indoors or out with

Berkeley Parents Network: Overweight Kids
When I read your post, I almost started to cry. I was five when my parents put me on my first diet and started a cycle that is still with me at 35.

Kids Health: Playground Safety - KidsHealth - the Web's ...
Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment offer kids fresh air, friends, and exercise. So it's important for parents to make sure that faulty equipment, improper

Parenting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A parenting practice is a specific behavior that a parent uses in raising a child. For example, a common parent practice intended to promote academic success is

The Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF ...
Provides information about guidelines, procedures, programs, and available services.

Cutting Edge Child Development Advice And Help For Parents
Parenting articles, news and tips on raising happy, healthy, successful kids and teens.

Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids, childhood obesity, nutrition, healthy schools, healthy children, every kid healthy

confident parents confident kids | A blog for parents ...
This week, I am launching a parent coaching service intended for busy, caring parents who know they could be more effective with their children with a little support.

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